Writen by GYST Assistant Alex Ghaffari
The COVID-19 pandemic has turned American life on its head in many different ways. It has disrupted the stock market and the economy, put millions of American out of work, and turned otherwise mundane tasks like grocery shopping into a unique challenge.
One of the big questions we now face is: how do you pull off social distancing when markets in NYC are jammed with people desperate for anything they can get their hands on? Not to worry, there are ways you can protect yourself while doing so, especially with the help of your GYST assistant. Below are some of the ways your GYST assistant can navigate this new shopping normal while he/she sets you free to focus on what matters most during the time of the coronavirus.

Grocery Delivery:
To make a virtual grocery list, have your GYST assistant create a Google Sheet based on old FreshDirect, Amazon or other online orders, and simply tick which items you’d like them to work on tracking down. Snagging a delivery slot these days isn't easy, but GYST assistants are well-equipped with the information and a variety of options to try on your behalf. Alternatively, they can try calling smaller, local markets and bodegas to see what options are available.
Pro-tip: If you are able to get a Fresh Direct delivery slot, sign up for Delivery pass as you will eventually be able to schedule recurring weekly deliveries.
Here are some of the delivery options circulating within the GYST community:

Curbside Pickup:
A lot of places in the NYC area offer curbside pickup and in many cases, you don't even have to get out of your vehicle -- you simply drive up, give your name, pop your trunk, and wait for the store worker on duty to put your prepaid order into it. Allow you GYST assistant to source a location and schedule for you. It is a great way to avoid prolonged human interaction in a traditional grocery store. P.S., the same applies here for liquor stores, wine shops, beer stores!

Consider a meal kit or subscription service:
If you can't find a way to get deliveries or collect them curbside, your next best option is to order meal delivery kits or subscription produce boxes. This way, you get food at your doorstep without having to come face to face with anyone. Consider meal prep boxes like Sun Basket, Hello Fresh or Blue Apron or specialized boxes for meat like Moink, or Misfits Market and Mike’s Organic for produce. Your GYST assistant can research which of the many available options
will work best for your family and also schedule deliveries at your convenience.
Pro-tip: Your favorite local restaurants may also be offering this, have your assistant call and ask!

Support local farms (and find quality food!):
If you live in a rural or suburban area, you might be lucky enough to be able to browse your local farmer’s market or buy direct from a nearby farm. Your GYST assistant can find out what the best options are locally and share with you! There are so many pros to this way of shopping. -
You are able to be outdoors and keeping more of a distance from other shoppers.
You are able to get the freshest and most local food.
You are able to support your local farming community.
Let’s face it - grocery shopping during the COVID-19 outbreak can be quite the challenge, but with the help of your GYST assistant you can turn it into an interesting and innovative dining experience. So give some of these ideas a try - you'll be doing your part to stay safe while ensuring that you and your family have the supplies you need to stay healthy and happy.
Bon Appetit!
The GYST Team
The GYST assistant provides great tips for navigating grocery shopping during the pandemic! Similarly, Kroger store offers convenient curbside pickup and delivery services, ensuring you can shop for fresh, high-quality products safely. After shopping at Kroger, with your recent purchase receipt, you are eligible to take the kroger feedback 50 fuel points survey. It's a valuable platform where customers can voice their thoughts to shape future shopping. Your opinion matters – explore the krogerfeedback Survey today and win exciting rewards. !