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Making Mother's Day Special During Covid-19


Amid our bustling daily lives and packed schedules, Mother’s Day was traditionally a holiday marked by togetherness and taking a moment to slow down and spend special quality time with family. Breakfast in bed. Long video chats with friends and relatives. Staying in pajamas all day with our children.

However, due to the stay at home orders instituted in response to the COVID-19 global pandemic, spending extra quality time with family has all but become a Government mandate. All day. Everyday. Our daily routines now include most meals in bed, PJ’s as acceptable daytime attire, and an array of zooms, google hangouts, facetimes and any other new-fangled video chat services that leave us to stare at ourselves (and our gray roots) on a screen all day long.

Now, more than ever, what moms deserve is a much needed BREAK. Dare we say, a popular Mother’s Day desire may actually be to spend this Mother’s Day alone, socially distancing ourselves from other household members (plus the cooking, cleaning and homeschooling that comes with them).

Here are some ideas to give moms the Mother’s Day quarantine break they need this year!

  • Hire a personal chef....just kidding, BUT services like Door Dash, Seamless and Caviar provide “contactless delivery” and give mom a much needed break from cooking. Pro Tip: Get dressed up, break out the good china and linens and bring her fave restaurant home. And of course, make sure she is not left to do the dishes.

  • Turn your living room into wine country! Use Drizly or a subscription wine service to have her favorite bubbles or vino dropped off right at the front door! Pro Tip: Raid the pantry and make a snack or charcuterie board with all of her favorite treats to enjoy during your “tasting” sesh.

  • Minimize the mess. Since hiring a maid is wishful thinking these days, this sweet roomba can help with some of the heavy lifting around keeping a tidy home. Pro Tip: The kids can stay entertained for hours by making Tik-Tok videos of the cat riding on it!

  • “Calgon, take me away!” Make this happen by drawing a bath, giving mom some space, treating her to one of these special self care boxes and maybe even some noise cancelling headphones to allow for maximum relaxation.

  • Call in the troops (aka the babysitter). Yep, it’s 2020 and businesses like Bell Family Company allow you to book a Virtual Babysitting session that includes fun activities, sing-alongs, games and educational lessons. Pro Tip: organize a virtual playdate and help a fellow mommy out while you’re at it!

Remember, that although this is a challenging time, we can still make Mom a #QuarantineQueen and make this

Mother’s Day one to remember.

The GYST Team

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