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8 Things You Never Knew Your Personal Assistant Could Do For You

Not all superheroes wear capes.


You’re growing in your professional and personal capacity because you outsource tons of tasks to your rockstar assistant – congrats! We have some ideas on tasks you may not have thought your assistant can do for you, but will totally help make your life run seamlessly.

Scheduling. You probably think your calendar situation is too complex for even your awesome assistant to handle – but you are wrong! Share your Google cal with your assistant, tell her where your home base is so she can calculate the right amount of transit time between meetings, and add one simple line to your meeting request response emails: “I’m CCing my awesome assistant Brooke here to make sure we find a time.” The frustration and time you spend scheduling can now be spent on more important tasks.

Shopping. No one knows you better than your assistant, except possibly your significant other, so when it comes time to spruce up your wardrobe give your assistant a budget and let her pick up a few pieces for you. Chances are excellent she will pick things within the bounds of your personal style, but slightly different than what you might have picked out for yourself.

Planning Dates. Your assistant should be hooked in to what is happening in your city, and will be able to plan fun, creative, unexpected dates and leisure activities for you and your family. Let these excursions be a surprise for you and you will soon see how much more enjoyable anything is that doesn’t require you to plan it yourself.

Organizing Your Family. Let your PA work with your kids or your spouse to organize those spots in your house that are so unorganized they keep you up at night. The friction created when you try to organize with them can be prohibitive, so outsourcing this role to someone who knows your family, but is an independent third party, is the best way to make it happen without the drama.

Meal Planning. Let your PA plan meals for your family for the week, and even do the grocery shopping so you have all necessary ingredients at hand. Let your PA know how much time you have each night to cook, your skill level, and any family food preferences or allergies and let them loose on Epicurious!

Daily Mail. Tell your PA which catalogues you like, and which to toss, and any kind of mail you would like to remain unopened. Let your PA open the rest, sort it out and either file it or leave it on your desk if if needs your attention. If your PA pays bills for you, chances are you would send half the mail their way after you open it yourself. This also allows your PA to stay in the loop on responding to invitations, requests for contributions to your favorite charities, and about urgent items she could be helping you manage.

Email Correspondence. Similar to scheduling, you may think this is too complex for your assistant to handle, but there are likely only a handful of people you email with regularly. Any good assistant will quickly learn your tone and typical responses to these folks and everyone else, and will be able to respond as you no problem. Even if your assistant drafts responses for you to review before sending, outsourcing the inbox is a big timesaver.

Taking Care of YOU! Your assistant likely handles many tasks related to your daily operations, many of which are really to help others. Delegate your own wellness to your assistant and never miss another massage, doctor’s appointment or workout class simply because you forgot to schedule it or make time to show up.

What other tasks do you outsource to your assistant? Let us know in the comments or! We love to chat.

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Erick bennett bennett
Nov 18, 2022

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